Monday, January 5, 2009

The Waltz and New Year's Resolutions

As I think about New Year's resolutions, I'm reminded that I've never met anyone in all my years of ministry, who had an intimate walk with God, who did not pursue God through a personal devotional life. Most followers of Christ know this, intuitively as well as Biblically. What is missing in many peoples' lives is not the awareness of the need, but a plan. As I've said before, when it comes to a devotional life, if you fail to plan then plan to fail. I could say with as much conviction as above, I've never met anyone who did not have a plan that was able to maintain a consistent devotional life. There are many plans out there. The ESV Study Bible site offers several. Here is the link-- Check it out, and by God's grace, resolve to maintain a consistent devotional life in 2009...waltz your way there. Dance your way there...REPENT over your coldness toward the Lord and your propensity to be distracted away from devotions. BELIEVE God loves you the same whether you have a devotion or not, BELIEVE that God's love for you is consistent and constant based on your union with Christ...Yet also BELIEVE God for the grace to transform your desires so that you delight in spending time with Him and truly miss Him when you don't spend a devotional period with Him each day. Then FIGHT the good fight by making every effort to maintain your devotions...make your plan, work your plan, stick to your plan...and when you fail, WALTZ ALL OVER AGAIN!!

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